The ultimate guide by Pietro Invernizzi (@pinverrr)
Getting a job in Venture Capital ("VC") is hard. The industry is small and very unstructured. Jobs are rarely advertised online and no one really knows where to start.
With more and more people looking to break in every day, you can't be like everybody else if you want a seat at the table:
"Venture Capitalists ("VCs") looking to hire you are searching for someone who can help them invest in companies that they otherwise would not have invested in without you." - Erik Torenberg
What will it take to be that someone and to stand out from the crowd? Since I broke in a few years ago, I get asked that question a lot.
While my LinkedIn shows a somewhat straightforward path (Investment Banking → Startup Advisory @ The Family → VC Investing @ Stride.VC), it hides a ton of questionable tweets I tried to write; a bunch of social media posts I obliged all my friends to 'like & share'; a couple of failed angel investments; and a massive pile of readings...
I was very lucky to have landed where I did - and what I did is not necessarily going to work for everyone - but here's what I've learned:
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Thank you Fred Destin, Harry Stebbings, Gaby Goldberg, David Obwaller, Mario Gabriele, Erika Batista, Max Kufner, Lola Wajskop, Akash Bajwa & Clara Power for helping me structure my thoughts.